Memorial Crag
Jellyfish tomb
Jellyfish tomb
Below the War Memorial there are easy-angled crags, the haunt of children trying their first scrambles. These rocks are slatey and contain the ancient Charniodiscus fossil.
The uppermost bed bears faint circular markings probably once the resting places of jellyfish.
The fossils on Memorial Crags are the most accessible Ediacarans in Charnwood. There are over 100 specimens—or were before they were damaged—including a number of genera and species identified there for the first time.
If in the next life or the next there be
A starting of our quarrels all again,
May Fate give task of leadership to me
And let me find the souls of these dead men.
To the glory of God and in memory of those gallant Leicestershire yeomen who fell in the Great War.